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Showing posts from April, 2021

How to Compress RAW Photo Files and Save Space With Rawsie (Losslessly)

Rawsie is an application that allows you compress your RAW files, without loosing image quality. This can save you time, as well as up to 80% of drive space. The app is very user friendly and can work in tandem with your favourite programs such as Lightroom and any others that support the .DNG file format. It sounds like magic, and for those of us who aren’t software engineers, it kind of is. That being said Rawsie could really benefit photographers who find themselves constantly filling up external hard-drives. Rawsie calculates that if you are averaging 60,000 raw photos a year, those photos would take 15 drives at four terrabytes (4TB) each. With compression, Rawsie claims you could use just three.  Rawsie is currently available for macOS, though there’s good news for PC users: a waiting list is available on the site. The pricing model has a variety of packages to choose from; free, subscription, and a one-time fee. The no-cost option allows you to compress 30 photos a day, with

How to Merge and Edit High Dynamic Range Photos in Adobe Camera Raw

In our last tutorial, we looked at how to use exposure bracketing to make images for high dynamic range photography. In this tutorial we'll show you how to merge those images in Adobe Camera Raw and how to edit them to suit your style. How to Merge and Edit High Dynamic Range Photos in Adobe Camera Raw Merge Your Photographs Let's pick up where we left off: you have a few images, made by bracketing exposures, to merge together. Open your images in ADC Open your images in Adobe Camera Raw. Highlight all the images (shift-click or ctrl-click each image) and then right-click on one of them, choosing Merge to HDR. Highlight your images and right-click. You will get a popup box that tells you it’s creating a preview. This won’t take as long as the actual merge will. HDR preview When the preview has finished, you’ll see how your image will look—probably quite high contrast and heavily saturated—with some options: Align images will need to be ticked in order to matc