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Showing posts from February, 2022

Playing With the Qualities of Light in Studio Portrait Photography

Welcome back to Introduction to Flash Photography . In this lesson, we're going to be talking about the qualities of light. Now, one of the most important things to know is that not all light is created equal! For our purposes, we're going to say that light has four qualities that we want to be aware of, and that we want to learn how to control. These four qualities of light are: the intensity the colour of the light the direction of the light the texture of the light In this lesson we'll cover each of these qualities individually and how they affect your images and what you can do to control each of them. Intensity of Light Intensity is really just a measure of how much light is hitting our subject and reflecting back to our camera. We can control the intensity of the light we're using and a couple of ways. The first of which is to turn the power up or down on our flash. Most flash units have the ability to greatly vary the amount of power released in ea