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Showing posts from May, 2022

How to Share Photos With — Free Instagram Alternative offers something pretty cool: a safe space to share that you can truly call your own. Created in reaction to pesky features of today’s social media sites (we're looking at you Instagram & Twitter), is a blog-hosting platform with a social media-style timeline that's ad-free and algorithm-free. It's also built on RSS and a network of independent microblogs and backed by strong, enforced community guidelines, meaning you stay in possession of your content, and in control of your content, and your interactions are shielded from people looking to harass and troll. Sounds pretty great, right? Read on to learn how easy it is to post and share all kinds of content on this one-of-a-kind platform. But first, a bit more about Designed to work with the open web, rather than being yet another social network, the platform is a lot like owning your own website. In fact, encourages users to publish at their own domain name, where they con