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Showing posts from November, 2022

How to engage Gen Z in your commercial portfolio

They’re on track to be the best-educated generation yet. 49% get most of their news from social media. 49% work remotely at least some of the time. They’re 20% more likely than other generations to try a new product to see how it compares to their current brand. 75% agree that the world is at a tipping point in responding to climate change. 52% say that the #BlackLivesMatter movement has had a significant impact on their worldview. We’re talking about Gen Z—people born between 1996 and 2010 and typically considered to be the “first generation of true digital natives.” They are not “millennials 2.0”—while they share some values with their older counterparts, they have distinct identities. And they also have significant buying power . In 2022, Licensing Contributors who listen to Gen Z have an advantage in creating evergreen content that will remain relevant and resonate with modern consumers. Here are some key takeaways to apply to your next commercial stock photoshoot.

12 of the top fine art photographers to follow on 500px

The year was 1902. It was early March, and Alfred Stieglitz had just formed the Photo-Secession, an art movement for photographers. It was snowing in New York City, and Stieglitz and his colleagues were getting ready to open their first exhibition. They were a daring bunch, employing tools like darkroom manipulation and special lenses and filters to bring their visions to life. Their goal was simple: establish photography as a fine art in its own right—just like painting, drawing, or etching. It’s been more than a century since that fateful night, and photography has since taken its rightful place in the history of fine art. But photographers today continue to push the limits of the craft, creating work that doesn’t reflect the “real world” so much as it envisions a new world, limited only by the contours of the artist’s imagination. Some use unconventional lenses, as the early pioneers did, while others have used photo-manipulation software to bring otherwise impossible scenes to