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Showing posts from March, 2023

10 tips for optimizing your keywords and metadata for Licensing

As a commercial photographer, it’s essential to understand the impact keywording and metadata have when Licensing your photos. The right keywords and metadata enable potential buyers to find your images quickly and effectively, which can lead to more sales. Here are the 500px Content team’s 10 tips for optimizing your keywords and metadata for Licensing. Use specific and accurate keywords It is essential to use accurate keywords that describe the subject matter of your photo. This helps buyers find your photo when they search for specific themes or subjects. Avoid using generic or vague keywords that do not accurately describe the content of your photo. Use as many relevant keywords as possible Using multiple relevant keywords, including synonyms and related terms, will increase the likelihood of your photo being discovered by search. This allows your photo to be found by a wider range of buyers who may use different keywords to search for the same subject matter. Inc

The Ultimate Guide to Color Grading in Premiere Pro

Everything you could possibly need to know about color correcting and grading in Premiere Pro! Jump to content in this section Introduction Color Correction and Grading 101 Scopes Premiere Pro Set Up Color Correction Color Grading Adjusting and Matching Finishing Effects What You'll Learn: Color Grading in Premiere Pro The theory behind color correcting and color grading How to color correct and grade both from scratch and with LUTs How to use Scopes How to correct skin tone 1. Introduction 1.1 Learn Powerful Color Grading Skills Watch video lesson (2 mins) ↗ In this course, we'll look at absolutely everything you need to know when it comes to color grading your footage using the Lumetri color effect in Adobe Premiere Pro. We'll look at the theory behind correcting and grading, and then jump into Premiere to learn how to correct our footage from scratch, and with LUTs. "It's time to take your footage from dull to