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Showing posts from July, 2023

Eight tips for revolutionizing your studio photography workflow

Every year, the website Your Perfect Wedding Photographer runs an industry survey to gather data directly from photographers. According to their most recent survey , wedding photographers spend about ten hours capturing pictures on the day of the event, two hours culling those photos, and a whopping fourteen hours on editing. Business and administrative duties eat up two hours, as does designing albums. Plus, one hour per wedding is spent on communication. That means that, in total, pro photographers only spend about a third of their working hours taking pictures, with a massive chunk of their jobs taking place behind the scenes. If you’re spending too much time on certain aspects of your workflow, whether it’s communicating with clients or editing your photos, it’s time to reevaluate and reorganize your workday. A productive workflow means you have more time to focus on making photos, reaching new clients, and delivering the best experience possible to the clients you already h

June’s Licensing Rush winners are…

This past June marked the second Licensing Rush at 500px —a new contest dedicated to the outstanding Licensing Contributors that make up the 500px Community. Throughout June, we were tallying up all the new, accepted Licensing photos submitted to 500px Licensing by the photographers who opted-in to the contest, in order to determine the top three contributors. The results are in, and we’re ecstatic to announce the winners! In first place is 1victorianbrie —Miss Brieanna S—$300 US prize. This June, Brieanna, a student photographer from the United States, took first place in Licensing Rush with 177 accepted photos ! With her Portfolio, Brieanna captures still life, landscapes, portraits, and pet photography, which highlight nature’s beauty as well as the connections people have with it. Coming in second place is AllNea —Olha Dobosh—$150 US prize. Olha places second in Licensing Rush for the second time in a row! With 141 accepted photos , Olha sec

5 Things I Would Tell My Younger Photographer Self

This blog post is a guest feature written by the team at  The Photographer Mindset .  1. Prioritize Your Health Before Anything Else “Hustle Culture” is a movement that has good intentions behind it, but that gets misinterpreted by so many people. The basic ideas behind it, “work harder”, “no excuses”, etc. are good ones. They inspire people to be more disciplined, strive to achieve more, and to demand a better life for themselves by utilizing tools they already have within their minds. The problem as with any ideology is when it gets taken to the extreme. The idea that if you’re getting a full 8 hours of sleep, you’re not working hard enough or that to succeed you need to disappear for a while, is totally bogus. It hurts you in the long run. I was there. I know what it’s like to live that life and then hit the wall at full speed. I’d work until 3 in the morning building my website, creating networking opportunities, consuming information online, watching YouTube videos… I was s

June’s 10 standout Licensing photos

Each month, we highlight some of the best Licensing submissions in our 500px New in Licensing Gallery . In this series, we’ll delve into why these photos are in high demand and make for excellent Licensing content. As part of our ongoing commitment to educate and inform our 500px Licensing Contributors, we’ll feature new and relevant photos on a monthly basis to help inspire creativity and connect Contributors with the latest trends in the Licensing industry. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this month’s top 10 photos that are sure to captivate and inspire. First up, Suriya Silsaksom’s June submission is real, relatable, and a perfect example of a ‘slice of life’ moment that sells well within commercial advertising. We appreciate various aspects about this shot. 1. We love how Suriya has captured various trending themes, such as health and technology, intertwined with conceptual themes of friendship, connection, and support. 2. We love how this photo illustrates the action

The Psychological Benefits of Photography

This blog post is a guest feature written by the team at  The Photographer Mindset .  In this blog post, we explore some of the psychological benefits of photography and why this art form has the ability to transform our lives both personally and professionally. Photography allows us to capture and share our unique perspective of the world while also providing us with opportunities for self-expression, self-discovery, and personal growth. Through photography, we are able to connect deeply with ourselves, others and the world around us, promoting a sense of mindfulness and well-being. This article dives into the psychological underpinnings behind these benefits and why anyone interested in or already practicing photography professionally or on an amateur level can begin to apply them in their own lives. How Photography Enhances Our Mental Well-Being Photography has long been a medium for capturing moments and turning memories into tangible objects. For many, the practice extend

Incredible photos from the worlds oldest places

A few years ago, Mathew Browne visited Angkor Wat in Cambodia at dawn, just in time to see the sun’s first rays paint the sky shades of orange and pink. Dating back to the 12th century, this ancient temple is on nearly every photographer’s bucket list—and with good reason. But it’s no small feat to capture the beauty of this architectural marvel. “Though this image is a picture of serenity, reality is a little less peaceful, as hundreds of photographers jostle for space behind the pond each day to capture this photo,” Mathew shared. Despite the challenges, he managed to distill the scene to its essence: the silhouette, the moving clouds, the crystal-clear reflection. As his early-morning adventure to Angkor Wat suggests, making iconic pictures requires patience and creativity—especially if you’re visiting a famous spot. We dug into the vast 500px collection for other stories like this one. Travel back in time to ancient places, and gather some tips and tricks along the way. “Ea