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Showing posts from October, 2023

September’s Licensing Rush winners are…

500px held the third Licensing Rush contest last month, and the results are in! Those who participated had all of September to get as many new photos accepted to 500px Licensing as they could, and the top three photographers would be rewarded with cash prizes! Without further ado, the winners are… In first place is AllNea —Olha Dobosh—$300 US prize This September, Olha, takes first place with an astounding 447 accepted photos ! After having placed second in June’s Licensing Rush, Olha secured first place by submitting a large volume of outstanding photos featuring diverse models in different scenes and settings. Olha skillfully works themes of adventure, travel, romance, technology, and sustainability into her Licensing photos. Coming in second place is TeeBangkok —Anucha Muphasa—$150 US prize The silver medal belongs to Thailand-based photographer Anucha Muphasa, with 370 accepted photos . Anucha’s photos capture a mix of different elements of Thai cu

How to tell a story through your pictures (with photo essay examples)

In the mountains of Adjara in Georgia, Nika Pailodze has traveled kilometers on foot to get to some of the remotest regions. In a few areas, he’s lost his phone signal and gone without access to electricity. Setting up his tent for the night, he’s slept beneath the stars, preparing for yet another day of wandering the mountains. But everywhere the photographer roams, the people of Adjara welcome him with open arms. In this magical corner of the world, where family homes have been passed down from one generation to the next over one hundred and fifty years, he has stood in awe of intricate embroideries. He’s tasted local dishes, carefully prepared by his hosts, and he has awoken to see the morning light kiss the rooftops of their huts. Once, when traveling through Adjara, Nika met a geography teacher, who, upon learning the photographer would be sleeping in a tent, invited him to spend the night with his family. The artist politely declined, but the teacher continued to c

September’s 10 standout Licensing photos

Each month, we highlight some of the best Licensing submissions in our 500px New in Licensing Gallery. In this series, we’ll delve into why these photos are in high demand and make for excellent Licensing content. As part of our ongoing commitment to educate and inform our 500px Licensing Contributors, we’ll feature new and relevant photos on a monthly basis to help inspire creativity and connect Contributors with the latest trends in the Licensing industry. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this month’s top 10 photos that are sure to captivate and inspire. Laro Pilartes is a long-time 500px Licensing Contributor whose Portfolio illustrates various commercial themes and concepts that image buyers desire. We chose to showcase this image for its universal nature and technical skill. 1. We love that this image can be used by various content buyers. The photo could easily represent themes of health and wellness, fitness, freedom, determination, travel, and wanderlust. 2. We

Pet photography: Fail-proof strategies to capture our furry friends

In the United States, approximately 23 million households brought an animal into their lives as they navigated the pandemic. It’s no wonder they did—across various studies, having a pet has been linked to decreased loneliness and boosted feelings of well-being. Plus, amid the isolation of 2020-21, many of our pets encouraged us to get outside and reconnect with nature. For influential photographers like Iza Lyson and Taya Iv , dogs and cats became ever-present models and collaborators, even if they were stuck indoors. Others followed their lead, elevating the field of pet photography into the realm of fine art. The pictures they made brightened our days and gave us hope for better ones ahead. Dog photography and cat photography, while wide-ranging, will always be in vogue. On social media, some celebrate by sharing photos tagged #DogsinBlankets and #TongueOutTuesday, while others invest in timeless professional portraits of their furry family members. In tribute to the cani